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Pageidaujami vertimai - brenditaq

Originalo kalba
Kalba, į kurią verčiama

Rezultatai 1 - 2 iš apie 2
Originalo kalba
Anglų What are you doing, honey?
- What are you doing, honey?
- I'm waiting for the mail carrier. What time is it?
- It's a quarter after three.
- That's strange, he comes at three o'clock every day. Where do you think he is? I'm waiting
for a very important letter.
- Look, honey he's coming now.
- That's not the mail carrier, that's our neighbor Mr. Everet. He's wearing new glasses...look, he's just sitting and reading the newspaper. How strange!
- Is he waiting for his wife?
- His wifes's at work now!
The requestor asked for the correction of her text.
Corrected by <lilian>

Pabaigti vertimai
Ispanų ¿Qué estás haciendo, cariño?